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Aaronia SPECTRAN V6 Real Time Spectrum Analyzer Series Support Forum

Rumors | Roadmaps | Coming Soon | Catalog & Price ListLast post
Hardware RelatedOur SPECTRAN and accesories roadmap | New hardware coming soon34 Topics · 241 PostsLast post: SPECTRAN V6 Tablet/Handheld · 2 months ago · AdminTC
Software RelatedOur RTSA-Suite PRO roadmap | New software features coming soon74 Topics · 181 PostsLast post: NEW: Switching to Qt v6.8 · 2 months ago · AdminTCSubforums: HAM Radio Related News
Catalog | Price List | ManualsOur latest SPECTRAN V6 price list and catalog (incl. all software and hardware options) & manuals5 Topics · 5 PostsLast post: SPECTRAN V6 RSA & VSG Quick Guide … · 1 year ago · AdminTCSubforums: Manuals (SPECTRAN V6 related)
SPECTRAN V6 HardwareLast post
Hardware NEWSNew hardware features and accessories just arrived...16 Topics · 45 PostsLast post: eco 100 pre-order estimated ship d … · 7 months ago · RFwatcher
Hardware DiscussionMain forum to discuss hardware related topics.58 Topics · 195 PostsLast post: ECO Options - what can be added af … · 4 weeks ago · 5ras
Hardware User ProjectsShow off any of your SPECTRAN V6 hardware related projects.4 Topics · 16 PostsLast post: How to connect to SDR hackrf? · 5 months ago · Viktor77
Hardware Troubleshooting HelpNeed help installing or figuring out something about your SPECTRAN hardware? Ask here.23 Topics · 118 PostsLast post: Fan Noise · 5 months ago · AdminTC
Hardware WishListWant new features? Add it here.5 Topics · 19 PostsLast post: Spectran V6 add GNSS constellation … · 2 weeks ago · mm_dev
Hardware BugsReport Bugs / Known Bugs.3 Topics · 14 PostsLast post: Oscillator running out of sync · 7 months ago · jakubsrnaSubforums: Report Bugs · Known Bugs
RTSA-Suite PRO SoftwareLast post
Software NEWSNew software features just arrived...84 Topics · 105 PostsLast post: NEW: Waterfall gets Marker Cursor … · 2 months ago · AdminTC
Software DiscussionMain forum to discuss RTSA-Suite PRO related topics.209 Topics · 772 PostsLast post: How can I export a Marker Table? · 2 days ago · mm_dev
Software User ProjectsShow off any of your RTSA-Suite PRO related projects.10 Topics · 45 PostsLast post: Minimal Sample Duration for FFT · 11 months ago · Tom
Software & SW-Keys Troubleshooting HelpNeed help installing or figuring out something about the RTSA-Suite PRO or your software key(s)? Ask here.35 Topics · 139 PostsLast post: TX works with stream mode but not … · 2 weeks ago · AdminTC
MissionsDemo Mission Files74 Topics · 156 PostsLast post: Power ramp in same frequency · 3 weeks ago · mm_devSubforums: General · SPECTRAN V6 ECO-6 · SPECTRAN V6 PLUS
BlocksA short guide and an explanation for all blocks used within the RTSA-Suite PRO incl. upgrade(s) time line146 Topics · 410 PostsLast post: Drone Detection | All Blocks at a … · 1 day ago · AdminTCSubforums: All Blocks at a glance · Spectrum Analyzer · Signal Generator · Devices · RF Measurement · IQ Processing · RF Measurement Views · RF Measurement Trigger / Detector / Filter · Channel Analysis · Audio · Decoder · Calibration · Sweep · In / Out · Control · Master Application · Remote Control · Direction Finding · Drone Detection · Radar · Camera · Jammer · Video · Debugging · Packages
Software WishListWant new features? Add it here.46 Topics · 132 PostsLast post: IMPLEMENTED: Quasi Peak (QPeak) Ag … · 3 weeks ago · AdminTC
Software BugsReport Bugs / Known Bugs.41 Topics · 139 PostsLast post: Recording Problems | Wrong Time Di … · 2 months ago · mm_devSubforums: Report Bugs · Known Bugs
SPECTRAN V6 SDK / API / Remote ControlLast post
File Format (RTSA-Suite PRO)All you need to know about the RTSA-Suite PRO file format incl. documentation and sample files2 Topics · 19 PostsLast post: RTSA-Suite PRO File Format (IQ and … · 1 month ago · mm_dev
JSON Protocol (RTSA-Suite PRO)All you need to know about the JSON protocol used by the RTSA-Suite PRO incl. documentation and sample files15 Topics · 77 PostsLast post: Control Raw IQ File Writer · 5 months ago · fw_dev
JavaScript Support | Script Block (RTSA-Suite PRO)All you need to know about the JavaScript block used by the RTSA-Suite PRO incl. documentation and sample files26 Topics · 103 PostsLast post: Start the IQ Signal Generator and … · 2 months ago · mm_dev
HTTP Streaming (RTSA-Suite PRO)All you need to know about the HTTP streaming used by the RTSA-Suite PRO incl. documentation and sample files19 Topics · 74 PostsLast post: RAW IQ File Writer Control By HTTP … · 5 months ago · fw_dev
VITA 49 Radio TransportAll about our VITA 49 Driver0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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HiSLIP - SCPI (GPIB/IEEE) DriverThe HiSLIP-SCPI block of the RTSA Suite PRO provides an HiSLIP interface4 Topics · 28 PostsLast post: Producing Waterfall/Spectrogram in … · 10 months ago · mm_dev | Universal Library to interact with Third-Party SDR Applications & Plug-InsE.g. "GQRX", "rt_433","", "SDRangel", "GNU Radio", “SoapySDR” and others3 Topics · 19 PostsLast post: Developer Preview: Spectran V6 wit … · 4 weeks ago · 5ras
Known bugs0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Third Party Software SupportLast post
Off-TopicLast post
Off-TopicTalk about anything else here.7 Topics · 17 PostsLast post: New AI chatbot · 2 months ago · AdminMT
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