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NOW AVAILABLE: 8GHz Frequency Extension for all SPECTRAN V6 PLUS

A lot of customers asked us if it is be possible to somehow extend the SPECTRAN V6 frequency range from 6GHz to 7,5GHz or higher.


We have good news on that topic:

A frequency extension up to 7,5GHz will be available for the SPECTRAN V6 soon.

Existing units can be upgraded via software key.

The 7,5GHz extension might have some slight limitations if it comes to our standard DANL/sensitivity of -170dBm/Hz, but this will be specified later on.

All in all it will be a great feature e.g. to measure the new Wifi 6E (up to 7125MHz).

AdminMT and Seth have reacted to this post.

The 8GHz extension is now available and can be ordered at:

Order 8GHz Frequency Extension

Quote from AdminTC on 05/07/2021, 16:46

The 8GHz extension is now available and can be ordered at:

Order 8GHz Frequency Extension

So, is this 8 GHz or 7.5 GHz as per a previous post?

The 8GHz Extension covers the full 8GHz.

Seth has reacted to this post.

Why is it named WiFi 6E rather than simply 8 GHz Frequency Extension? What does it specify?

Since WiFi 6E is the typical use case within this frequency range the name fits fine:

Quote from AdminTC on 05/07/2021, 16:46

The 8GHz extension is now available and can be ordered at:

Order 8GHz Frequency Extension

is this the correct item / link (mine below) ?:

the link you provided is 404.  (however my link above says "hardware option", so im not clear if is correct item as i think this should be software license only) - im mainly trying to find out the price.   thanks

(cant WAIT for my eco-100 to get here!)

Thanks for the hint, just updated the link.

Yes thats the 8GHz option but since it includes an external band pass filter its a mix of hard and software.

The ECO offers an internal band pass which is much better to use thow.