How to use the SPECTRAN V6 with GNU Radio

Quote from AdminTC on 17/12/2020, 14:05Since the RTSA-Suite PRO software offers a powerful HTTP Server block which supports JSON data format, it is quite simple to set up a live HTTP connection to GNU Radio.
All needed documentation from our side concerning data structure and command sets is found under
For a first implementation test you might want to use the I/Q Signal Generator block which provide I/Q and/or SPECTRA data.
A simple setup for a full Rx and Tx SPECTRAN V6 remote interface would look like attached including I/Q and/or SPECTRA data streaming.
Please feel free to post your sample GNU Radio setups.
Since the RTSA-Suite PRO software offers a powerful HTTP Server block which supports JSON data format, it is quite simple to set up a live HTTP connection to GNU Radio.
All needed documentation from our side concerning data structure and command sets is found under
For a first implementation test you might want to use the I/Q Signal Generator block which provide I/Q and/or SPECTRA data.
A simple setup for a full Rx and Tx SPECTRAN V6 remote interface would look like attached including I/Q and/or SPECTRA data streaming.
Please feel free to post your sample GNU Radio setups.
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Quote from fw_dev on 06/10/2021, 22:14Started to work on a GRC source/sink blocks and expect to see some good progress in upcoming weeks/months.
Will post some sneak peaks from time to time. Pushing my dev machine to the limits 🙂Will release, when it is stable enough to be tested.
Started to work on a GRC source/sink blocks and expect to see some good progress in upcoming weeks/months.
Will post some sneak peaks from time to time. Pushing my dev machine to the limits 🙂
Will release, when it is stable enough to be tested.

Quote from saurabh2205 on 30/04/2024, 09:39Any update on the GRC Source/Sink block for Spectran V6 code.
I have Spectran V6 VSG 240XA-6 and I want to integrate it with GNU Radio.My requirement is to stream the RAW IQ data from GNU Radio and Transmit the same via Spectran V6 Tx.
Any update on the GRC Source/Sink block for Spectran V6 code.

Quote from fw_dev on 30/04/2024, 09:54We have updates for SOAPY adapters and GNU Radio blocks that will debut at the HAM Radio event on June 28, 2024.
We have updates for SOAPY adapters and GNU Radio blocks that will debut at the HAM Radio event on June 28, 2024.