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Spectran V6-100XA-6 Spectrum Analyzer Setup for Dual Band GNSS Bands Monitoring


I'm awaiting my pre-ordered Spectran V6-100XA-6 spectrum analyzer which mostly will be used to monitor the GNSS frequency ranges for EMIs, this means that I would like to monitor from 1140 to 1310 Mhz (170 Mhz) and simultanously from 1550 to 1620 Mhz (70Mhz), the frequencies in between to the two spans are of no interest.
What would be the best RTSA software setup (blocks) to achieve such monitoring?

Best regards


The V6-100XA-6 only offers one Rx. If you want to monitor two bands at the same time you need the V6-200XA-6 unit with dual Rx.

Alternatively you can "hop" between those bands (or even more) with the help of the Receiver Band Sequencer block:


Sorry, I miss used the terms here, the word "simulatnously" meant to say that I would like to have the two afore mentioned frequency spans at the same time in the screen (not scanned in real time at the same time).
If I'm not mistaken I could setup the RTSA software to scan from 1140 to 1620 (whole span) in a swept mode (500GHz/s) but the question is how I could discard / hide the frequency span that I'm not interested in, that is from 1310 to 1550 Mhz.

Best regards


As mentioned use the Receiver Band Sequencer block.

You can also use the Sub Span feature from the regular sweep:

Yet sorry again for the omission but I shall have specified that the solution was to be constructed out of the "free" blocks, so what would be the best way to tackle such scenario?

The block you mention is 5k€ which I don't really have to spend in this project.



You can use the Wrapped Spectrum and simply zoom to the bands of interest.

Many thanks.


This might be exactly what you are looking for: Full Sweep & 4 Bands of Interest within an own Graph – Aaronia SPECTRAN V6 Support Forum

Quote from AdminTC on 27/06/2023, 16:47

The V6-100XA-6 only offers one Rx. If you want to monitor two bands at the same time you need the V6-200XA-6 unit with dual Rx.

Alternatively you can "hop" between those bands (or even more) with the help of the Receiver Band Sequencer block:

I'm not sure, if it's really possible to monitor two different frequency ranges with a two RX analyzer. Are they not using the same local oscillator? Many thanks for a clarification, since I'm also interested in the same topic (monitoring multiple frequency bands beyond the RTBW 😉

kind regards: Christoph

Only the ECO 200XA-6 offers two Rx and two LOs so every Rx can be set to its own frequency. In all other cases you need to hop but since the sweep is super fast thats fine for monitoring.