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The Spectrum block shows the power over frequency spectrum with different trace types and can handle up two independent input streams (e.g. Rx1 & Rx2)

Spectrum Block

Left hand side Input:

  • Spectra 1
  • Spectra 2


The Spectrum block offers a nearly endless setup and measurement configuration menu for a perfect measurement and a fantastic spectrum view.

Spectrum View with Endless Setup Posibilities


Here is an example of what it can do:

  • Handle over 20 different trace types (e.g. quasi peak, period buffer, max fall, outline, pulsed shape)
  • Add up to 200 Markers
  • Support for displaying trace differences as separate traces
  • Powerful multi-marker measurement layout and tools
  • Powerful reference trace (trace copy) handling
  • Trace import and export
  • Multi input handling (show two different sources at the same time)
  • Real-Time spectrum zoom feature
  • Deep memory FFT support with up to 1 Million bins resolution (offering a super high resolution spectrum with "endless" zoom)


Because the list of feature is almost endless its better to show you the power of this block based on some screenshots.


A typical spectrum view with some markers. This is how it should be: A clear but fully flexible layout and all information you need at a glance:

A typical Spectrum measurement with clear marker handling and display


A super high resolution RF spectrum: Our Spectrum block can hold over 1 Million points so you can zoom in and see details like you've never seen before e.g. this is a 100kHz zoom from a 250MHz RTBW live spectrum (see

RF Spectrum view with over 1 Million points resolution


Need more markers for Bluetooth measurements? No problem, with the Spectrum block it is possible:

Bluetooth Spectrum with 38 Marker


Or how about a LTE Quasi Peak (QPeak) measurement?

LTE QuasiPeak (QPaek) Measurement


Or how about comparing the two different Rx input signals?

Comparing two different Spectrum Sources (Rx1 vs Rx2)


Typical Missions:

Spectrum Monitoring Typical Missions

NEW: The Spectrum block now includes two additional Spectra outputs:

RF Spectrum View


You can either use this as a switch (Select from Spectra input 1-2) or as a powerful RF mirror glas feature since the spectra output can be limited with the new Output Range (cursor, view or marker) if you activate the Frequency Zoom:

RF Spectrum Frequency Zoom


Above screenshot is based on this typical mission:

Typical mission for the new Spectrum block

The following video demonstrates this new feature:

NEW: The Spectrum block now includes a "simple" channel power (same as the Channel Power block but limited in function) within the trace menu.

You can setup your own channels, select a profile (and use those channels) or use the cursor for a live channel at the cursor location. In addition we included a powerfull shape, modes and color control for the channels:

Simple Channel Power Feature

We added a Half Power Bandwidth Measurement to the marker section:

Half Power Bandwidth Measurement Marker


We added a "sub span" feature (you need a key for this) where you can define up to 4 areas within the spectrum offering an own defined SPECTRA stream:

Sub Span Spectrum


As soon as you acvtivate the Sub Span checkbox you will get a bar above the spectrum. Hover over the bar and use the right mouse button to select the wanted sub span. A great feature is to use the frequency and span of the active cursor:

Activate a Sub Span


Those sub spans can then be moved and adjusted via mouse within the spectrum (using the wrapped spectrum block instead):

Sub Span Mission


A simple mission might look like this (using the wrapped spectrum block instead):

Simple Sub Span Mission


Those sub streams can also be used to set the center and span of an other docked unit e.g. an additional SPECTRAN V6 to move the Rx or Tx settings accordingly since it supports the Frequency Range Follower block.

Attached mission demonstrates this with 4 additional SPECTRAN V6:

Controling additional SPECTRAN V6 via Sub Span