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Waterfall 3D

The Waterfall block (Spectrogram) shows the frequency spectrum over time and power in 3D:

Waterfall 3D (Spectrogram) Block

Left hand side Input:

  • Spectra


The Waterfall 3D block offers a lot of powerful adjustments to optimize the view for your needs e.g. an adjustable time compression (1 to 100k with different compression methods), adjustable Gauss-Filter, full color control, a powerful 3D multi marker/area measurement tool, powerful 3D adjustments, zoom and pan, power and/or frequency spectrum view (based on selected 3D marker), 3D Peaks and a lot more:

Waterfall 3D Settings


A typical Waterfall 3D screenshot (WiFi and Bluetooth):

Waterfall 3D Screenshot showing WiFi and Bluetooth


Another Screenshot showing a DECT Phone Spectrum in 3D incl. shadow feature:

Waterfall 3D DECT Phone Spectrum


A high time and frequency domain resolution showing a single DECT Phone Burst in 3D incl. 3D Multi Marker Readings:

DECT Phone Burst Spectrum in 3D


Radar doppler spectrum in super high time domain resolution:



Switched power supply producing massive EMI images over time:



Typical Missions:

Waterfall 3D Typical Missions

The following video gives a short introduction to the Waterfall 3D view: