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Spectrum Stitcher Block

The Spectrum Stitcher block merges/stitches multiple Spectra streams to a single new spectra stream:

Spectrum Stitcher Block | Expand the Real-Time Bandwidth

Left hand side input:

  • Spectra (up to 8 streams)

Right hand side output:

  •  Stitched (new, combined Spectra)


Up to 8 streams (Spectra) can be combined to a single new spectra stream. A great block to expand the RTBW e.g. by combining the streams of multiple SPECTRAN V6: With 8 SPECTRAN v6, streaming a RTBW of 245MHz, you get a new RTBW of 8 x 245MHz = 1960MHz RTBW.

In this case the "Configure Analyzer" option will setup all connected SPECTRAN V6 units fully automatically to reach the wanted new RTBW.

In addition you can add an Adaptive Sync, choose between different Time Steps (min, average, any and max) and an Overlap Combiner algorithm (max, min, avg, power and smooth):

Spectrum Stitcher Block Setup


A screenshot showing 3 IQ Signal Generator blocks running different generators at different frequencies stitched together by the Spectrum Stitcher block to a new single spectrum:

Spectrum Stitcher Screenshot

Two streams showing the same signal with and without amplifier from two different SPECTRAN V6 stitched together:

Spectrum Stitching expanding the Bandwidth


Typical Missions:

Spectrum Stitcher Block | Expand the RTBW

For combining the streams of multiple SPECTRAN V6 (With 8 SPECTRAN v6, streaming a RTBW of 245MHz, you get a new RTBW of 8x245MHz = 1960MHz RTBW),what additional devise do I need to connect? such as 4-Way Splitter/Combiner (stitch multiple V6 units to expand the real-time bandwith)?How many main/additinal USB 3.x port should be connected for multiple V6 in one PC.

We offer a special 4 way wide band combiner for stitching up to 4 SPECTRAN V6 units in our online shop: offering a total of 980MHz real time bandwidth.

If you need to combine more units please contact us so we can provide you with a matching combiner.

You need two USB ports for every 245MHz bandwidth/unit.

If your PC does not offer enough USB 3.0 ports we can offer optimized USB PCIe cards to extend the USB ports (additional 4 ports per PCEe card).