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SPECTRAN V6 PLUS Sweep Speed (GHz/s & POI)

The sweep speed depends on the used I/Q rate.

With 92MHz IQ (80MHz RTBW) you should reach:

  • 317GHz/s 
  • 17,7ms POI (@ 56,5 x 64kFFTs/s)
  • 80MHz Sweep Speed


With 122MHz IQ (120MHz RTBW) you should reach:

  • 454GHz/s 
  • 12,3ms POI (@ 81,1 x 64kFFTs/s)
  • 120MHz RTBW Sweep Speed


With 184MHz IQ (160MHz RTBW) you should reach:

  • 730GHz/s 
  • 7,67ms POI (@ 130 x 64kFFTs/s)
  • 120MHz RTBW Sweep Speed


With 245MHz IQ (245MHz RTBW) you should reach:

  • 1100GHz/s (1,1THz/s)
  • 5,08ms POI (@ 197 x 64kFFTs/s)
  • 245MHz Sweep Speed

Sweep Speed of 1,28THz/s is now reached thats an additional 15%!

Big thanks to the R&D department and their hard work!


new sweep speed record

Hello, how do you work with Time Compression vs POI and Sweep speed? If I increase the Time Compression (with the Compression Mode - Max setting), the Sweep speed and POI signal time will decrease. I assumed that compression only affects the display of the captured signals, but it should not affect the sweep speed and POI. Thanks for the info.

Yes indeed wrongly calculated. Speed and POI are unchanged.

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