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NEW: High Resolution Spectrum/Waterfall & Deep Memory Zoom with up to 1 Million Points (Implemented)

If you ever wanted to zoom into a high FFT spectrum or waterfall (e.g. a  256k FFT) the zoom was limited to 32k pixel since todays graphics cards have a texture limit of 32k points.  This is quite a pity since the real measurement resolution is much higher.

We have now overcome this limit by a tricky deep memory folding algorithm offering an advanced spectrum & waterfall resolution of up to 1 Million points which will be implemented soon.

The maximum resolution will depend on the selected DSP memory model chosen within the RTSA-Suite PRO setup menu:

  • Small = Factor 1 (Unchanged)
  • Medium = Factor 2 (64k Points)
  • Large = Factor 8 (256k Points)
  • Ludicrous = Factor 32 (1024k Points)

The higher resolution will also offers a better marker position accuracy at high FFTs e.g. if you choose a 8k FFT but your display only offers a 2k resolution a MAX marker positioned on a simple CW signal often looked a bit way off the graph since it was drawn by chance. This is now way better if not to say excellent.

Attached example screenshots show a capture (the analyzer was stopped) and a marker set to 2.400.017kHz . Now we zoom into the memory with 4 different zoom stages (20MHz span without zoom down to 20kHz with highest zoom) and even the highest zoom still offers us a perfect spectrum resolution: 

Deep Memory High Resolution FFT Spectrum

Deep Memory High Resolution FFT Spectrum Zoom Stage 2

Deep Memory High Resolution FFT Spectrum Zoom Stage 3

FFT Capture with zoom x1000:


1 Million Points Deep Memory FFT Full Span and Zoom

Check out our latest video showing our Deep Memory FFT feature: Deep Memory FFT Demo Video