ISO15693 / NFC-V decoder

Quote from g3gg0 on 29/05/2023, 21:36Hi,
this is not 100% working perfect yet, and probably never will.
However here is a decoder for ISO15693, also known as NFC-V and used in e.g. Toniebox figurines and a few other applications.Just feed the IQ signal stream with a span of around 1/4 and the script should be able to decode VCD and VICC signals.
Currently only 1-out-of-4 encoding and single subcarrier is supported.Video:,
this is not 100% working perfect yet, and probably never will.
However here is a decoder for ISO15693, also known as NFC-V and used in e.g. Toniebox figurines and a few other applications.
Just feed the IQ signal stream with a span of around 1/4 and the script should be able to decode VCD and VICC signals.
Currently only 1-out-of-4 encoding and single subcarrier is supported.