IQ Signal Generator

Quote from AdminTC on 28/02/2021, 12:20The IQ Signal Generator block generates an I/Q stream based on the selected generator type(s):
Left hand side Input:
- IQ
Right hand side Output:
- IQ
You can adjust the Sample Rate (up to 20GHz) and Center Frequency. If you select a Frequency Profile the Sample Rate & Center Frequency settings can be adjusted fully automatic by setting the corresponding checkboxes. In addition you can also add a Time Offset (within +/-200ms) which might be of great help if you want to combine multiple I/Q streams.
Varios Generator/Modulation types are available:
- Sweep (Incl. Single Carrier, Multi Carrier & Power Ramp function)
- Noise (Within -200dBm to 0dBm)
- Pulse (down to 10nS Pulse and Pause rate)
- FSK (With up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- GFSK (With up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- QAM (Modulation types supported: BPSK, ASK, QPSK, QPSK-C, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 1024-QAM, 4096-QAM with up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- OFDM (Modulation types supported: BPSK, QPSK, QAM16, QAM64, QAM256, QAM1024, QAM4096)
- Raster Image (Load a JPG, PNG, BMP or TIFF and convert it to I/Q)
- Echo/Reflection
All Generators can be combined or even added multiple times even with different settings:
A 4096-QAM Constellation Diagram with 20MHz Symbol rate:
Step Sweep Screenshot:
You can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW).
Another great feature is the I/Q stream mix: You can add an additional I/Q Signal Generator stream to the regular I/Q stream coming from the SPECTRAN V6 Receiver. Or why not stream the IQ Signal Generator as an I/Q file to disk and use it with an third party vector signal generator?
The IQ Signal Generator block generates an I/Q stream based on the selected generator type(s):
Left hand side Input:
- IQ
Right hand side Output:
- IQ
You can adjust the Sample Rate (up to 20GHz) and Center Frequency. If you select a Frequency Profile the Sample Rate & Center Frequency settings can be adjusted fully automatic by setting the corresponding checkboxes. In addition you can also add a Time Offset (within +/-200ms) which might be of great help if you want to combine multiple I/Q streams.
Varios Generator/Modulation types are available:
- Sweep (Incl. Single Carrier, Multi Carrier & Power Ramp function)
- Noise (Within -200dBm to 0dBm)
- Pulse (down to 10nS Pulse and Pause rate)
- FSK (With up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- GFSK (With up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- QAM (Modulation types supported: BPSK, ASK, QPSK, QPSK-C, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 1024-QAM, 4096-QAM with up to 20MHz Symbol Rate)
- OFDM (Modulation types supported: BPSK, QPSK, QAM16, QAM64, QAM256, QAM1024, QAM4096)
- Raster Image (Load a JPG, PNG, BMP or TIFF and convert it to I/Q)
- Echo/Reflection
All Generators can be combined or even added multiple times even with different settings:
A 4096-QAM Constellation Diagram with 20MHz Symbol rate:
Step Sweep Screenshot:
You can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW).
Another great feature is the I/Q stream mix: You can add an additional I/Q Signal Generator stream to the regular I/Q stream coming from the SPECTRAN V6 Receiver. Or why not stream the IQ Signal Generator as an I/Q file to disk and use it with an third party vector signal generator?

Quote from AdminTC on 11/03/2021, 11:31UPDATE:
We added a "Shift Filter" feature to the FSK Encoder. With its help you can smoothly change the encoder from FSK (0% Shift) to GFSK (100% Shift).
We added a "Shift Filter" feature to the FSK Encoder. With its help you can smoothly change the encoder from FSK (0% Shift) to GFSK (100% Shift).

Quote from AdminTC on 18/05/2021, 14:07UPDATE:
We added a "Power Ramp Duty Cycle" adjustment to remove "glitches", which might have occurred from time to time.
You should now get a glitch free signal no matter what:
We added a "Power Ramp Duty Cycle" adjustment to remove "glitches", which might have occurred from time to time.
You should now get a glitch free signal no matter what:

Quote from AdminTC on 16/06/2021, 13:31Check out our latest video showing the IQ Signal Genarator running complex QAM modulations up to QAM4096: IQ Signal Generator Demo
Check out our latest video showing the IQ Signal Genarator running complex QAM modulations up to QAM4096: IQ Signal Generator Demo

Quote from DevSF on 25/08/2021, 12:04The IQ Signal Generator offers an optional Raster Image generator. The Raster Image generator can read an image from a file and converts each horizontal line interpreted as spectrum into a continous IQ data stream. You are then able to see the loaded image in a spectrum waterfall. In attached mission you need to specify the path to the image file.
Input image:
Output spectrum waterfall (note: waterfall time compression needs to be set very low for this to work properly, higher values will compress the generated image vertically):
An additional bitmap coverted to IQ, now as geyscale image for better contrast:
You can order the Raster Image option on our online shop
The IQ Signal Generator offers an optional Raster Image generator. The Raster Image generator can read an image from a file and converts each horizontal line interpreted as spectrum into a continous IQ data stream. You are then able to see the loaded image in a spectrum waterfall. In attached mission you need to specify the path to the image file.
Input image:
Output spectrum waterfall (note: waterfall time compression needs to be set very low for this to work properly, higher values will compress the generated image vertically):
An additional bitmap coverted to IQ, now as geyscale image for better contrast:
You can order the Raster Image option on our online shop

Quote from AdminTC on 16/11/2021, 08:55We have raised the Symbol Frequency limit from 20MHz to a whopping 100MHz.
Make sure to use a high performance system when using high symbol rates otherwise your CPU Sat for sure will run into 100% which will result in to a useless signal output (see screenshot below).
We have raised the Symbol Frequency limit from 20MHz to a whopping 100MHz.
Make sure to use a high performance system when using high symbol rates otherwise your CPU Sat for sure will run into 100% which will result in to a useless signal output (see screenshot below).

Quote from AdminTC on 24/05/2022, 10:00We added basic waveforms as there are:
- CW
- Triangle
- Sawtooth
- Sine (sinwave)
You can select those from the Generator menu under "Add Basic Waveforms":
We added basic waveforms as there are:
- CW
- Triangle
- Sawtooth
- Sine (sinwave)
You can select those from the Generator menu under "Add Basic Waveforms":