What's the "tracking gen" option for V6 Eco (Tx/Rx version) ? (SKU : 122/038)
Quote from points2 on 23/01/2024, 23:32Hi,
I admit that as an hobbyist (so budget contraints) : the way you presents the features of this/that via your web site are not clear. Any customer is a "partner" in real-life. Here, I have to "ask for info". At 10kE price tag, this is not fair. All this blurs the confidence user/cust vs producer/supplier.
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I want to buy a Spectran ECO (Tx/Rx version), but I get blurred with all the software options...
QUESTION => What's this "tracking gen" option for V6 Eco (Tx/Rx version) @ 2.5kE ? (SKU : 122/038)
Does it mean that the Tx slot is "off" without this option ?
Does it mean that this pricey (for hobbyist) option enable MORE features ? If yes, which ones ?
Thanks for feedback
I admit that as an hobbyist (so budget contraints) : the way you presents the features of this/that via your web site are not clear. Any customer is a "partner" in real-life. Here, I have to "ask for info". At 10kE price tag, this is not fair. All this blurs the confidence user/cust vs producer/supplier.
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I want to buy a Spectran ECO (Tx/Rx version), but I get blurred with all the software options...
QUESTION => What's this "tracking gen" option for V6 Eco (Tx/Rx version) @ 2.5kE ? (SKU : 122/038)
Does it mean that the Tx slot is "off" without this option ?
Does it mean that this pricey (for hobbyist) option enable MORE features ? If yes, which ones ?
Thanks for feedback
Quote from nemanjan00 on 24/01/2024, 03:46I just want to first note I am not affiliated with Aaronia, just hobbyist.
Tracking generator is a feature that allows sweep on TX and RX to be synchronized.
TX will emit CW at same exact frequency span RX is measuring at that point. That is very useful for measuring response from circuits. One good example is to use it to plot loss across filter.
For personal use, you will probably be ok without almost any licenses. For professional use, they provide precision and convenience (let you do powerful measurements inside of software, instead of using external opensource tools)
You need to consider your own usecase...
I just want to first note I am not affiliated with Aaronia, just hobbyist.
Tracking generator is a feature that allows sweep on TX and RX to be synchronized.
TX will emit CW at same exact frequency span RX is measuring at that point. That is very useful for measuring response from circuits. One good example is to use it to plot loss across filter.
For personal use, you will probably be ok without almost any licenses. For professional use, they provide precision and convenience (let you do powerful measurements inside of software, instead of using external opensource tools)
You need to consider your own usecase...
Quote from AdminTC on 24/01/2024, 06:40For more information sinply check out the corresponding block: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/spectran-v6-tracking-generator/
For more information sinply check out the corresponding block: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/spectran-v6-tracking-generator/
Quote from points2 on 25/01/2024, 15:55Fine I got it ! Thanks & sorry about basic questions 🙂
Another question is relation to this topic (I'm in the process to get a Spectran, but I need to get used to the way the RTSA suite works 🙂 ) : what's the difference between,
- 1. the SPECTRAN V6 Tracking Generator block (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/spectran-v6-tracking-generator/ ) ; not "included"
- 2. the IQ Signal Generator block (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/iq-signal-generator/ ) ; "included", thus "free" 🙂 ; although you write in this post (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/iq-signal-generator/#postid-246 ) that this block "can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW)."
Both blocks seem to be able to run a sweep from Tx. But price is rather different, why ?
FYI, I plan to use a Spectran to do measurements (mainly) on PCBs : basic spectral density & its dynamics, response of DUTs (passive) vs various sweep types, stability check @ low RBW around a peculiar frequency, etc...)
Fine I got it ! Thanks & sorry about basic questions 🙂
Another question is relation to this topic (I'm in the process to get a Spectran, but I need to get used to the way the RTSA suite works 🙂 ) : what's the difference between,
- 1. the SPECTRAN V6 Tracking Generator block (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/spectran-v6-tracking-generator/ ) ; not "included"
- 2. the IQ Signal Generator block (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/iq-signal-generator/ ) ; "included", thus "free" 🙂 ; although you write in this post (https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/topic/iq-signal-generator/#postid-246 ) that this block "can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW)."
Both blocks seem to be able to run a sweep from Tx. But price is rather different, why ?
FYI, I plan to use a Spectran to do measurements (mainly) on PCBs : basic spectral density & its dynamics, response of DUTs (passive) vs various sweep types, stability check @ low RBW around a peculiar frequency, etc...)
Quote from AdminTC on 25/01/2024, 17:22As mentioned the Tracking Generator is frequency and time synced to the Rx. This is a special feature not supported by the regular IQ Signal Generator.
Please check the web for further information about the usage of a Tracking Generator.
As mentioned the Tracking Generator is frequency and time synced to the Rx. This is a special feature not supported by the regular IQ Signal Generator.
Please check the web for further information about the usage of a Tracking Generator.
Quote from points2 on 25/01/2024, 17:52Thanks but I know what's a TG...
My concern is : what's behind Aaronia's IQ Signal Generator block that differ from any basic TG ?
You answered briefly, thanks for that : "no time sync with Rx". For sure, that's quite different from a TG.
I may have understood the diff ... 🙂 => in the point 2. in my previous post above => regarding the IQ Signal generator block,
when you write that this block "can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW)."
You mean => in that case, the Tx slot of the V6 can be used as a VSG TOWARDS another device than the V6 ! Correct ? But not TOWARDS the Rx slot of the V6 (Tx > DUT > Rx). Correct ?
I admit it take me some time to catch the way RTSA-suite works, but I found the way you explain some blocks, is very light, and not clear for someone like me that is not used to use your product, and plan to get one because anyhow I found the price/perf ratio of your products quite amazing ! 🙂
Thanks but I know what's a TG...
My concern is : what's behind Aaronia's IQ Signal Generator block that differ from any basic TG ?
You answered briefly, thanks for that : "no time sync with Rx". For sure, that's quite different from a TG.
I may have understood the diff ... 🙂 => in the point 2. in my previous post above => regarding the IQ Signal generator block,
when you write that this block "can use the IQ Signal generator to send an I/Q stream to the Tx of the SPECTRAN V6 to use it as a Vector Signal Generator (up to 120MHz Sample Rate/RTBW)."
You mean => in that case, the Tx slot of the V6 can be used as a VSG TOWARDS another device than the V6 ! Correct ? But not TOWARDS the Rx slot of the V6 (Tx > DUT > Rx). Correct ?
I admit it take me some time to catch the way RTSA-suite works, but I found the way you explain some blocks, is very light, and not clear for someone like me that is not used to use your product, and plan to get one because anyhow I found the price/perf ratio of your products quite amazing ! 🙂
Quote from AdminTC on 26/01/2024, 09:05You might want to search the Missions subforum for more information about possible hardware & software configs & settings.
You might want to search the Missions subforum for more information about possible hardware & software configs & settings.