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Typical Tx / Rx EVM capabilities of RSA500X

Can you please provide an indication of the typical Tx / Rx EVM capabilities of RSA500X?

When connected to a Keysight Signal Generator and Spectrum Analyzer, I am measuring values in the region of -38 dB to -39 dB. Can you confirm that there are close to the typical values or is even better performance possible? To be honest I was expecting the Tx EVM to be even better (< -40 dB).

Thank you.

Since Rx and Tx both offer 16Bit ADC and are phase synced the performance should be much better. Give it a try.

I am using a MATLAB generated 802.11 waveform with EVM < -50 dB and a simple mission with IQ modulator > Normalizer > Spectran V6.

I tried tweaking all configuration parameters but did not manage to get anything better than -39 dB. Any specific suggestions?

Thank you!

Hard to say without any mission and sample file.

Please check the attached. Thank you in advance.

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Some measured data too: