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Tx Streaming using Script Block to read own recorded baseband IQ Data


I have a baseband signal that I want to transmit using Spectran-V6 TX.

Reading through Spectran-V6-tx-Streaming.pdf file, can I use "Tx Streaming using Script Block" method to achieve this transmission?   Can I modify the script to read in the data that I have recorded and use IQ-Modulator to send to Spectran-V6-TX for transmission?  What is the script language?

Thank you.

All needed documentation is shown within this thread:


I looked through the JSIQA-JavaScript-IQ-Analyzer-v11738.pdf but can't find the datatype Cplx32Array.  Is there a sample code that I can look through?

Extracted from TX-Streaming document


Thank you.


Correct me if I am wrong:

  1.  I can use File System – “fs.js” to read the IQ file in the complex array sample
  2. Then I create the packet according to above with {samples: sample}
  3. I use DSP.Stream.sendPacket to send the packet.  Qn :  Do I need to specify the antenna object?

Are there any points that I need to consider like the time? How do I get the streamTime?  Is it at the time I read the data and call timer()?


Thank you.