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Surface Pro 7: Press-and-hold right-click not working

#1 · 17/12/2021, 20:02
Quote from martin_r on 17/12/2021, 20:02Not a software bug per se, but using a long finger press to right-click doesn’t work for me. Is there a trick to get this working with the RTSA-Suite PRO? It works well in Win 10 system, but not in the software suite. The square box indicating right click appears, but then it just disappears without any right click menu.
Not a software bug per se, but using a long finger press to right-click doesn’t work for me. Is there a trick to get this working with the RTSA-Suite PRO? It works well in Win 10 system, but not in the software suite. The square box indicating right click appears, but then it just disappears without any right click menu.
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