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Stopping RTSA Suite Gracefully

I have a python script/process I am using to start the RTSA suite using to then load a default mission file and record the results.

How can I then terminate RTSA from my script? Obviously I can terminate the process but this doesn't end the recording properly I don't think so wondered if there is a better way?

Thanks in advance,


At the moment there is no dedicated support for closing the application remotely. You could send a "stop recording" command via HTTP before terminating the application though (send a PUT request to /control containing a JSON object with type: "recording" and start: false).

Ok thanks. I have enabled the rest server, specified a port and opened that and tried sending a curl command as follows:

curl -X PUT -d '{"type":"recording", "start":false}'

However it doesn't have an effect and then crashed the RTSA suite when I try to close it down. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


there is an endpoint in the Rest Interface to close the RTSA Suite, you might try this call with curl, but there is no feedback if the RTSA Suite was really closed:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "running": false }'

The control endpoint is available at the port of an HTTP Server block, you can add an HTTP Server Block behind the File Reader. Download the Aaronia Included Keys in the Package Shop( Tools->Package Shop ) to get access to the HTTP blocks.


Quote from pythontom on 13/05/2024, 18:50

Ok thanks. I have enabled the rest server, specified a port and opened that and tried sending a curl command as follows:

curl -X PUT -d '{"type":"recording", "start":false}'

However it doesn't have an effect and then crashed the RTSA suite when I try to close it down. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

As DevDF said, I was referring to the HTTP server block. The REST server is an internal interface that should not be used by third party code as it is not documented and may change without notice.

Ah ok, understood. I will give that a try.

Thank you both for the replies. 🙂