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Spectrum mode - Capture CW signal.


I source the CW signal from external source at 1GHz@-10dBm level. From the Aaronia RTSA-Suite PRO software tool, it look good, the CW is capture correctly as below.

But I wish to make it in C++ sdk. I try the "RawSpectrum" example provided, change the  main/decimation to "1 /2", main/reflevel to -10 and main/centerfreq to 1GHz, I unable to return back the spectrum as show in UI below.

Can you help to advice, what settings is require to set in C++, in order to make it work as Aaronia RTSA-Suite PRO UI.



Best regards,


Quote from Ron95 on 20/02/2024, 09:29

I unable to return back the spectrum as show in UI below.

Might help if you could explain what you actually mean here as the API outputs data, not graphs and there are many different ways to generate graphs from data.

Do you actually see a problem with the data you get?


I want to capture the spectra data show in UI with APIs. Below is the settings have been set with API. The mode using is "spectranv6/raw".

The data that return from res = AARTSAAPI_GetPacket(&d, 2, 0, &packet) API, as below:

From spectra data from above, I expect some points show -10.xxdBm at 1GHz. But all data points that return is -9x to -10xdBm.

Is that any setting I needed to set in order to get similar the spectra data point that show in UI?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,











I think you mixed up the headers: You have 64 values in your screenshot, which is way to low. But you're reporting "size of each sample = 852" that looks much more reasonable. The term "sample" is unfortunately not well defined, in the context of the RTSA it usually does not refer to a scalar measurement value, but to what you may otherwise call a "sweep".



Below is the AARTSAAPI_Packet return from AARTSAAPI_GetPacket API.

What I can understand is

packet.SpanFreq = packet.StepFreq x packet.size

= 360000 x 108

= 38.88MHz

I am a bit confuse on packet.num, packet.tatal and packet.size from AARTSAAPI_Packet, may I know what is the relationship?

I have try the "spectranv6/sweepsa" mode, still unable to get back the similar spectra result show in UI.

Can you help to advise what mode ("spectranv6/sweepsa" or "spectranv6/raw" or others) and also what settings in order to get the similar spectra result show in UI?

Actually, I try evaluate the API, the CW measurement is work well in UI, I want the same CW measurement work in API. So far, I am  still struggle to measure CW signal with API. Hope you can provide some advice?


Thanks in advance!

Best regards,






Any advice from you?

Best regards,


You can ignore, that variable is actually not used at the moment and always 0. When dealing with spectra data, packet.size is the number of measurement points for each complete sweep of the defined frequency spectrum, and packet.num is the number of complete frequency sweeps contained in the current packet. (For IQ data the meanings are different).

In your example above, you're only seeing 108 points per sweep due to the large RBW setting. With a smaller RBW the number of points per sweep would increase, while the number of sweeps per packet would decrease.