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SOLVED: SPECTRAN V6 - Span is changing every start.

My blocks like that.


Full spectrum option is checked



But every start my mission, span is set 1/2. I save when it is set to Full, but it always changing.

When using the Sweep Zoom block that will overwrite changes to the Span Factor setting. And I assume you're sending a start command to all blocks with the Control Sequencer and have it configured to start automatically when the mission is loaded.

As we've pointed out several times already, using sweep mode and IQ data at the same time is not supported with the Spectran V6 Plus.

This block does not start automatically whatever you do with the Control Sequencer. What is the trick to get this block to start?

Quote from [email protected] on 29/05/2024, 11:08

This block does not start automatically whatever you do with the Control Sequencer. What is the trick to get this block to start?

Works just fine here. Please create a new topic and attach the mission that isn't working if you need further assistance (check first).