SPECTRAN V6 GNSS option without RF Drive Test RTSA module.

Quote from isaac_h_e on 13/01/2023, 20:24Hello,
Would it be possible to you to provide a short video or a series of screenshots that display the configuration/operation of the GNSS module in the SPECTRAN® V6 units within RTSA software so that we can see the configuration parameters / process and the real time operation of the device to the end users that have not purchased the RTSA module RF Drive Test (15K€)?
Many thanks and best regards
Would it be possible to you to provide a short video or a series of screenshots that display the configuration/operation of the GNSS module in the SPECTRAN® V6 units within RTSA software so that we can see the configuration parameters / process and the real time operation of the device to the end users that have not purchased the RTSA module RF Drive Test (15K€)?
Many thanks and best regards

Quote from AdminTC on 13/01/2023, 22:02Simpy search the forum under 'GNSS" to get lots of hints how to use and what to expect from this cool option: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/search/?keywords=Gnss
Simpy search the forum under 'GNSS" to get lots of hints how to use and what to expect from this cool option: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/search/?keywords=Gnss

Quote from isaac_h_e on 13/01/2023, 22:19Hello AdminTC,
Thanks for your fast response.
I'm sorry but after crawling the results of the search mentioned in your post I have seen nothing that helps me to understand better what is the configuration procedure of the GNSS module nor what are the capabilities of the GNSS module when the RTSA module RF Drive Test is not purchased.
Please do bear in mind that I'm trying to determine if I should purchase that option or not.
Best regards
Hello AdminTC,
Thanks for your fast response.
I'm sorry but after crawling the results of the search mentioned in your post I have seen nothing that helps me to understand better what is the configuration procedure of the GNSS module nor what are the capabilities of the GNSS module when the RTSA module RF Drive Test is not purchased.
Please do bear in mind that I'm trying to determine if I should purchase that option or not.
Best regards

Quote from AdminTC on 14/01/2023, 15:19Sorry I don't get it. The GNSS/GPS option simpy offers a GNSS hardware plus antenna. How to use it and what it's good for is shown in the mentioned links.
Searching for "GPS" offers some more interesting topics: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/search/?keywords=Gps
Sorry I don't get it. The GNSS/GPS option simpy offers a GNSS hardware plus antenna. How to use it and what it's good for is shown in the mentioned links.
Searching for "GPS" offers some more interesting topics: https://v6-forum.aaronia.de/forum/search/?keywords=Gps

Quote from isaac_h_e on 14/01/2023, 18:55Hello AdminTC,
I'm sorry, surely I'm miss expressing myself, what I meant to say is:
Other than the time sync feature (which is clear to me) what other benefits will bring me the SPECTRAN GNSS option when the RTSA RF Drive Test module is not included other than the possibility to display the coordinates numbers in a small window besides the spectrogram? Can the coordinates be exported somehow? Is there a way to plot the coordinates numbers in to a map in a side by side so that I can correlate RF events to the map (without RF Drive Test module)? Am I missing some feature related to the GNSS positioning?Best regards
Hello AdminTC,
I'm sorry, surely I'm miss expressing myself, what I meant to say is:
Other than the time sync feature (which is clear to me) what other benefits will bring me the SPECTRAN GNSS option when the RTSA RF Drive Test module is not included other than the possibility to display the coordinates numbers in a small window besides the spectrogram? Can the coordinates be exported somehow? Is there a way to plot the coordinates numbers in to a map in a side by side so that I can correlate RF events to the map (without RF Drive Test module)? Am I missing some feature related to the GNSS positioning?
Best regards

Quote from AdminTC on 14/01/2023, 21:57The GNSS feature adds GNSS coordinates to all measurements so you are free to use them as you like but there are no free of charge map blocks available from our side. Thats where e.g. the drive test block is needed.
The GNSS feature adds GNSS coordinates to all measurements so you are free to use them as you like but there are no free of charge map blocks available from our side. Thats where e.g. the drive test block is needed.

Quote from isaac_h_e on 15/01/2023, 06:17Hello AdminTC,
You said "The GNSS feature adds GNSS coordinates to all measurements so you are free to use them as you like", can you please list the methods by which I can use the coordinates provided by the GNSS module of the SPECTRAN? what I mean is, can I somehow export them (because you already said that I can't use a a map within RTSA)? Can I somehow create a dynamic link from those coordinates to a map outside RTSA (let's be clear, coordinate numbers to humans are completely useless as humans have very hard time trying to relate them to the real world locations, only maps serve as a link between coordinates and reality)? Am I missing something or the GNSS options only provides numeric coordinates to the end user that are embedded with the data flow coming from the SPECTRAN and can only be visualized within RTSA?
Note that, by now, I'm perceiving the GNSS option as almost useless from positioning point of view (not from temporal point of view) because the end user has to pay the 15K€ to use a map which, unless you have 15K€ negates the practical use of the coordinates provided by the SPECTRAN GNSS option as you would need to have a RTSA window open and QGIS (or similar) on another window to manually type coordinates in to a map.
Best regards
Hello AdminTC,
You said "The GNSS feature adds GNSS coordinates to all measurements so you are free to use them as you like", can you please list the methods by which I can use the coordinates provided by the GNSS module of the SPECTRAN? what I mean is, can I somehow export them (because you already said that I can't use a a map within RTSA)? Can I somehow create a dynamic link from those coordinates to a map outside RTSA (let's be clear, coordinate numbers to humans are completely useless as humans have very hard time trying to relate them to the real world locations, only maps serve as a link between coordinates and reality)? Am I missing something or the GNSS options only provides numeric coordinates to the end user that are embedded with the data flow coming from the SPECTRAN and can only be visualized within RTSA?
Note that, by now, I'm perceiving the GNSS option as almost useless from positioning point of view (not from temporal point of view) because the end user has to pay the 15K€ to use a map which, unless you have 15K€ negates the practical use of the coordinates provided by the SPECTRAN GNSS option as you would need to have a RTSA window open and QGIS (or similar) on another window to manually type coordinates in to a map.
Best regards

Quote from AdminTC on 15/01/2023, 20:06Check the SDR/API sections under "SPECTRAN V6 SDK / API / Remote Control" how to export data to third party applications or your own software you might want to write.
Check the SDR/API sections under "SPECTRAN V6 SDK / API / Remote Control" how to export data to third party applications or your own software you might want to write.

Quote from isaac_h_e on 15/01/2023, 20:20Hello AdminTC,
The fact that you are directing me to an API / SDK manual to use a function like positioning in your Spectran V6 series is a tacit acceptation that if I'm not a developer I should not buy that option?
Best regards
Hello AdminTC,
The fact that you are directing me to an API / SDK manual to use a function like positioning in your Spectran V6 series is a tacit acceptation that if I'm not a developer I should not buy that option?
Best regards

Quote from AdminTC on 15/01/2023, 21:05It is your decision whether you want to have GNSS positions in your measurements or whether you want to order a map based software option later (which would require the GNSS hardware feature).
It is your decision whether you want to have GNSS positions in your measurements or whether you want to order a map based software option later (which would require the GNSS hardware feature).