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SPECTRAN V6 ECO-6 Phase Noise

A first measurement shows shows over 100dBc @ 1GHz with 10kHz offset and TCXO.


SPECTRAN V6 ECO Phase Noise Measurement


Phase Noise Measurement Table:

Better than 100dBc Phase Noise


The OCXO option offers even better results and a nice 8dB improvement if it comes to the 10Hz offset:



100MHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | SINGLE LO):

100MHz Phase Noise


100MHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | LO1 & LO2):

SPECTRAN V6 ECO 100MHz Phase Noise



1GHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | SINGLE LO):

1GHz Phase Noise


1GHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | LO1 & LO2):

SPECTRAN V6 ECO-6 Phase Noise



6GHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | SINGLE LO):

6GHz Phase Noise SPECTRAN V6 ECO


6GHz Phase Noise (Tx used as signal generator | LO1 & LO2):

6GHz Phase Noise SPECTRAN V6 ECO

I would like to use an external 10 MHz Reference as master clock of the V6 ECO.  In my set-up, an external signal generator will be locked on these same reference.

Could you confirm that the LO of the V6 will be locked on this reference and that the phase noise close to the carrier (<100 Hz) will be driven by my external clock?

Could you confirm that the OCXO option will be useless in this case?

Thanks for your help

Yes this works but the phase noise will not change since the internal LO will stay the same (only the timing will be synced).