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SPECTRAN V6 5G (FR1 & FR2 | 250MHz to 53GHz)

We are working on a "5G SPECTRAN V6", based on our patented ADST (Advanced Direct Sampling Technology).

The units will cover all 5G bands up to 53GHz, will offer a RTBW of 60MHz-450MHz and a sweep speed of over 3THz/s.

The frequency range and performance is optimized for network providers.

Only a single high density PCB will be needed. This will shrink the unit height and weight by 50% (compared to the regular V6 units).

A single USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C connection with USB PD (power delivery) is all you need to operate the unit.


Shipping end of 2024.

More to come soon!

Sofon and HB9DTZ have reacted to this post.

We will launch the following 3 units first:

  • SPECTRAN® V6 5G 250XA-30 (1 RX, 24-30GHz, 60MHz RTBW)
  • SPECTRAN® V6 5G 250XA-50 (1 Rx, 24-53GHz, 60MHz RTBW)
  • SPECTRAN® V6 5G 500XA-50 (2 RX, Rx1 (FR1): 250MHz-7,2GHz, Rx2 (FR2): 24-53GHz, 2 x 60MHz RTBW | Supports ALL FR1 & FR2 5G bands up to 53GHz)

Units with 245MHz and 450MHz RTBW ("B" version) will follow 2-3 months later

The SPECTRAN V6 5G is now ready for preorder!

SPECTRAN V6 5G ready for preorder

Are there any news on the date of release / shipment?

Still end of 2024 if all goes well.