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Where can I adjust the RBW (Resolution Bandwidth)?


Maybe I am blind, but, I was unable to find a way to set RBW. Can you help me with that?

RBW can be set, when using the V6 in "Sweep Mode" using the "Spectran V6 Sweep Zoom" block:


In realtime streaming you control the bandwidth using the IQ Power Spectrum block that controls the FFT size


You can switch the "FFT Size Mode" to "RBW" allowing adjustment via RBW (double click for numerical entry) instead of FFT size:

see for reference.

HB9DTZ has reacted to this post.

Within the factory mission "Sweep" you can set the RBW as needed but be aware that small RBWs will slow down the sweep (and dont make real sense in most cases anyway).

See and for sweep speed vs RBW setting depending on the SPECTRAN unit.

In addition you can switch the "Sweep" mission to real time mode "RBW":

Switch to Real-Time mode


This allows you to control the real-time mode by RBW instead of FFT size. In that mode you should in addition reduce the "Wrapped Spectrum" from default 4 wraps to a single wrap for a better graph usage:

RBW Setting

HB9DTZ has reacted to this post.

Thank you for help.

It might make sense to create a guide how to use the most common features, since, this is not something someone can just pick up and use. Above screenshots and description is plenty good for simple PDF tutorial

I did search forum in forum search (which is not awesome) and even using google and and was not able to find a way to set RBW, which I consider to be one of the most basic features of SA.

Simple mode or more example Missions could make sense also.