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NEW: OmniLOG PRO | Passiv Omni-Antenna from 150MHz to 18GHz | Up to 100W

Our latest OmniLOG PRO omni antenna generation offers a super wide frequency range and extraordinary power handling which makes it suitable for wide band monitoring or broad band jammer installations.


We are offering 8 different versions:

  • OmniLOG PRO 70200 (150MHz - 18GHz | 1W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 70100 (150MHz - 10GHz | 1W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 7060 (150MHz - 6GHz | 1W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 7030 (150MHz - 3GHz | 1W)

High Power "-H" Series:

  • OmniLOG PRO 70180-H (700MHz - 18GHz | 100W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 70100-H (700MHz - 10GHz | 100W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 7060-H (700MHz - 6GHz | 100W)
  • OmniLOG PRO 7030-H (700MHz - 3GHz | 100W)


Please visit our Shop for more details.