Modify the frequency to 18 GHz range using http put
Quote from Adri8 on 13/07/2023, 12:44Hi, i'm trying to change the frequency range of a SpectranV6 from 6ghz to 18ghz using the http put, i'm running the following command:
Other things like taking samples or loading missions work well.
[spoiler title="Command"]
requests.put("http://localhost:54664/remoteconfig", json={
'request': 0,
'config': {'type': 'group',
'name': 'remoteconfig',
'label': 'RemoteConfig',
'items': [{
"type" : "group",
"name" : "Block_Spectran_V6B_0",
"items" : [{
'type': 'group',
'name': 'config',
'label': 'Config',
'items': [{
"type" : "group",
"name" : "device",
"label" : "Board Config",
"items" : [{
'type': 'enum',
'name': 'frequencyrange',
'label': 'Frequency Range',
'flags': '',
'value': 0,
Am I missing something? I took every name from the http get /remoteconfig.Thank you for your help.
Hi, i'm trying to change the frequency range of a SpectranV6 from 6ghz to 18ghz using the http put, i'm running the following command:
Other things like taking samples or loading missions work well.
requests.put("http://localhost:54664/remoteconfig", json={
'request': 0,
'config': {'type': 'group',
'name': 'remoteconfig',
'label': 'RemoteConfig',
'items': [{
"type" : "group",
"name" : "Block_Spectran_V6B_0",
"items" : [{
'type': 'group',
'name': 'config',
'label': 'Config',
'items': [{
"type" : "group",
"name" : "device",
"label" : "Board Config",
"items" : [{
'type': 'enum',
'name': 'frequencyrange',
'label': 'Frequency Range',
'flags': '',
'value': 0,
Quote from fw_dev on 13/07/2023, 16:30You snippet is at least missing the "Receiver"
There are two ways. You'll get the idea when query is done with GET /remoteconfig
The response will contain all block identifiers. Another easy way is the "Copy Block API Name" button in the block's burger menu.
You're also free to identify the block by the BlockName. I've just pushed the two examples for the frequency range to: and it might be helpful to send enum changes as integers to get a more compact request.
You snippet is at least missing the "Receiver"
There are two ways. You'll get the idea when query is done with GET /remoteconfig
The response will contain all block identifiers. Another easy way is the "Copy Block API Name" button in the block's burger menu.
You're also free to identify the block by the BlockName. I've just pushed the two examples for the frequency range to: and
Also it might be helpful to send enum changes as integers to get a more compact request.
Quote from Adri8 on 14/07/2023, 11:50Thank you for your answer, it is working now, but there are some times that the RTSA suite gets crazy and stays constantly changing the values between 6ghz and 18ghz, and also when sending a "start" or "stop" though the /remoteconfig the suite starts and stops the spectran constantly and superfast, it seems like a bug. I leave a video here, in this case I just sent this:
[spoiler title="Command"]
requests.put("http://localhost:54664/remoteconfig", json={"receiverName": "Block_Spectran_V6B_0","config":{"type": "group","items":[{"type": "group","name": "device","items":[{"type": "integer","name": "frequencyrange","value": 0}]}]}})[/spoiler]
Thank you for your answer, it is working now, but there are some times that the RTSA suite gets crazy and stays constantly changing the values between 6ghz and 18ghz, and also when sending a "start" or "stop" though the /remoteconfig the suite starts and stops the spectran constantly and superfast, it seems like a bug. I leave a video here, in this case I just sent this: