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We are working on a new low cost SPECTRAN V6 ECO series offering a limited RTBW (around 44MHz) an extended frequency range from 9kHz to 8GHz.

The look and feel of the new SPECTRAN V6 ECO and the full RTSA-Suite PRO Software support will be 1:1 as for the regular SPECTRAN V6 series.

Besides the regular hardware options like "GPS", "OCXO" "Preamplifier" and "Memory Expansion", we will add a new hardware option "frequency selectiv Powermeter".

Starting price should be around 1500 Euros for the basic version.

pmar, Brain Chi and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pmarBrain ChiALPSfw_dev

What about 9Khz for the much more expensive 250x that I've only just bought? 🙁

Seth has reacted to this post.

9kHz will first be available for the new ECO (with limited bandwidth), PLUS and the PRO (up to 44GHz) only.

BUT the regular 250x, 500x and 2000x will have a hardware upgrade summer next year offering 9kHz and some more HW features.

Upgrades for existing units will be available too.

Sofon and ALPS have reacted to this post.
Quote from AdminTC on 23/09/2021, 09:54

9kHz will first be available for the ECO (with limited bandwidth) and the PRO (up to 44GHz) only.

BUT the regular 250x, 500x and 2000x will have a hardware upgrade summer next year offering 9kHz and some more HW features.

Upgrades for existing units will be available too.

Can you indicate some timelines for regular V6 250X upgrade to  support 9 KHz? And indicated cost? Will the upgrade require a return to factory?

Alternatively, will it be possible to ship V6 ECO with a 120 MHz RTBW upgrade - even if limited to 6 GHz?

Seth has reacted to this post.

Q3 of 2023 should be realistic for ECO and the new high frequency series. ECO will be limited to 44MHz, the PLUS to 2x44MHz (total 90MHz).

Q4 of 2023 for the updated regular V6 series. For sure you need to send the unit to our factory for upgrade. So far we have no price tag for this service.


Sounds like an exciting addition, do you have an estimated cost for the optional transmit feature?

Seth has reacted to this post.

A final ECO price list with all options should be available Q3 next year.

Seth has reacted to this post.

When is the ECO likely to be available please, any update ?

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SPECTRAN V6 ECO Hardware & Software Integration in full Swing:

- USB Streaming running

- All register-init working

- ARM microcode running

Now implementing FPGA-LVDS. Expecting first IQ streaming soon.


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