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IQ Pulse Inspector | Digital Signal Decoder

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The IQ Pulse Inspector block offers a fully automatic digital signal burst/pulse classification and demodulation/decoder.

IQ Pulse Inspector and Decoder Block


You can record IQ data and get this displayed within a waterfall view.

Within this view you can mark and select any signal of interest and get an automatic real-time classification and decoding. You can also run an automatic classification over the full recording which will give you a table of all found signals (which can go into the thousands).

You can then select any signal within the table for an automatic decoding.


Single signals/bursts can be saved as I/Q data e.g. for setting up an own database. In addition the marked/decoded signal will be display within an own view and will be send for further process to the SPECTRA or IQ output. The pulse detection is adjustable e.g. you can change Minimum Rise and Minimum Power.

The Pulse Rate and Pulse Center from the selected pulse will be shown in detail:

IQ Pulse Inspector Settings


So far the IQ Pulse Inspector supports the following decoder:

  • Auto
  • Auto Basic
  • GFSK
  • BPSK
  • QPSK
  • QPSK_C
  • 8DPSK
  • QAM16
  • QAM64
  • QAM256
  • QAM1024
  • Bluetooth LE (Low Energy)
  • Bluetooth EDR 2M
  • Bluetooth EDR 3M
  • DECT
  • GSM
  • Wifi 802.11b
  • Wifi 802.11g (5MHz)
  • Wifi 802.11g (10MHz)
  • Wifi 802.11g (20MHz)
  • Enhanced Shockburst


A typical measurement (GSM Burst Decoding):

A GSM Decoding. High Resolution Screenshot


Real-Time Bluetooth Signal and Packets Decoding:

Decoding a Bluetooth Signal and Packets


Typical Mission:

IQ Pulse Inspector Typical Mission

Evaluator has reacted to this post.

We have just added ASK, PSK and FSK Demodulation.

We just integrated an autodetect of QPSK and BPSK decoding into the IQ symbol decoder.

Sofon and Kar52 have reacted to this post.
  1. Is it possible to use the IQ Pulse inspector with streaming IQ (i.e. RF signal at V6 input)? What CPU will be needed for 1024 QAM?
  2. What is the demodulator output - do I get a binary/hex data? Can these be streamed to an external application (on the same PC/server).
  3. Is there a specified limit on the incoming symbol rate? For it to work real time?

Is it possible to use the IQ Pulse inspector with streaming IQ (i.e. RF signal at V6 input)? What CPU will be needed for 1024 QAM?

The IQ Pulse Inspector uses the data within the cache. The selcted data package will be decoded. For this package the CPU is no influencing factor.

What is the demodulator output - do I get a binary/hex data? Can these be streamed to an external application (on the same PC/server).

The output is HEX or BIN data as seen in the screenshots

Is there a specified limit on the incoming symbol rate? For it to work real time?

No, see question no1


We implemented a mouseover feature for the decoded data showing more details e.g. the time, symbol, detailed symbol description etc.:

Wifi Decoding

Sofon has reacted to this post.

Check out this video to see the block in action:

Sofon has reacted to this post.


I want to know , how is possible to export decoded symbols and pulse  information

This information should be exportable , only see it is useless !

And also one important parameter , that can be useful is Symbol Rate, the calculation for measurement  Symbol Rate is easy , but in this table you cant see this Parameter.


This feature is now integrated with build 10717.

You can save the selected pulse(s) as:

  • IQ data (.rtsa)
  • Pulse table (.csv)
  • Pulse decoding (.json)


Export IQ Pulse Data

We added a Time/Frequency and color adjustment for all graphs:

Added Time/Frequency and Color Adjustments

Sofon and HB9DTZ have reacted to this post.
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