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IQ Histogram

UNIQUE: The IQ Histogram block shows the digital modulation as a vectorscope displaying I and Q as X-Y plot incl. a signal/sample over time statistic. This is another unique I/Q view only available for the RTSA-Suite PRO software:

IQ Histogram Block

Left hand side Input:

  • IQ


The IQ Histogram block offers the basic Sample Delta modes (bypass, sub, add, mul, rotate and adjustable emphasize), Demodulation (none, ofdm, ofdm_diff), Phase Recovery (none, fixed phase, modulus power, gardner 4, gardner 16, gardner 64), X and Y Source trimming (i, q, r, rq, phi, dphi, phase, band, i4, q4, symbol, symbol4, symbol16, symbol64, symbol256) and adjustable resolution via Value Bins (16 to 1024):

IQ Histogram Settings

A 16QAM signal decoding as IQ histogram:

IQ Histogram 16QAM Demo Screenshot

IQ Vector Scope view vs IQ Histogram:

IQ Vector Scope VS IQ Histogram view

Typical Mission:

IQ Histogram Typical Misison

UPDATE: We have just added a fully scalable Modulation Grid Overlay for QAM (BPSK, qpsk, 16qam, 64qam, 256qam, 1024qam, 4096qam) and Radial to the IQ Histogram block which you can select from Main -> Grid Overlays:

IQ Constellation Grid Overlay