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IQ ADSB Decoder

The IQ ADSB Decoder block decodes the ADS-B data from an IQ data stream, streams the tracking data and shows the results within a data table.

IQ ADSB Decoder Block

Left hand side input:

  • IQ

Right hand side output:

  • Tracking
  • IQ (1:1 path through)


The setup of the IQ ADSB Decoder block is quite simple but offers a lot of helpful settings.

If your SPECTRAN V6 includes no GPS option you might want to setup you location manually (e.g. for a later on MAP display). You can set the Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth, Altitude and Declination accordingly.


Quite interesting is the Limits setup (Min Azimuth, Max Azimuth, Min Declination, Max Declination, Min Altitude, Max Altitude and finally Max Distance).

This feature offers a lot of options to reduce the decoder area of interest (e.g. if you only want to see decoding's coming from a special direction, hight or distance). And finally the Connection (to the SPECTRAN V6) setup with Min Receiver Data Delay, Min Send Data Delay, Reconnection Time and most important the No Response Time Limit.

In most cases simply leave all settings as default and it should work fine:

IQ ADSB Decoder Settings


The IQ ADSB Decoder block is quite simple to operate: All you need to do is set the SPECTRAN V6 center frequency to 1090 MHz, select the amplifier stage to highest sensitivity and make sure to use a proper antenna (e.g. our IsoLOG 3D Mobile). You now should see all airplanes with ADS-B transmitter within a view hundred kilometers around:

IQ ADS-B Decoder showing a Table of all decoded Planes


If you connect the Tracking output to our optional Drone Detection Command Center block you can see all tracking data live on a map and have endless target display setup possibilities incl. alarm zones etc.:

A real-time MAP display of all ADS-B planes



A typical mission:

Real-Time ADS-B Decoder and Map Display Typical Mission

We added a Normalization slider for better dynamic. If you have problems with low decoding rates please adjust the slider accordingly:

ADS-B Decoder Setting