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How to set Step Frequency and FFT Window via API?

The parameters can be set with function "AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind" and "AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat".

The keypoint is, you should set the "*name" of the parameter with AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind first, then set the value with AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat.

I found keywords of Start Frequency, Stop Frequency, RBW, etc. in the code of sample, but still no idea about "Step Frequency" and "FFT Window".

Could anybody figure out the keywords of Step Frequency and FFT Window? Thx.

The "ConfigTree" sample shows how to enumerate all available configuration items.  They match the items found in the RTSA application.  If you miss configuration items, let us known and we will add them to the configuration tree, if possible.

Thanks very much! ConfigTree sample helps a lot.


In case you do not have access to a device, the output of the ConfigTree example looks like this (of course there can be variations based on the actual device configuration):

main(Main, , ), : ""
. centerfreq(Center Frequency, Frequency, ), : "2.44e+09"
. decimation(Span, , Full;1 / 2;1 / 4;1 / 8;1 / 16;1 / 32;1 / 64;1 / 128;1 / 256;1 / 512), : "Full"
. reflevel(Reference Level, dBm, ), : "0"
. transgain(Transmitter Gain, dB, ), : "-20"
device(Board Config, , ), : ""
. usbcompression(USB Compression, , auto;compressed;raw), : "auto"
. gaincontrol(Gain Control, , manual;peak;power), : "manual"
. loharmonic(LO Harmonic, , base;third;fifth), : "base"
. outputformat(Output Format, , iq;spectra;both;auto), : "auto"
. fft0(Spectra 1, , ), : ""
. . fftmergemode(FFT Merge Mode, , avg;sum;min;max), : "avg"
. . fftaggregate(FFT Aggregate, , ), : "1"
. . fftsizemode(FFT Size Mode, , FFT;Bins;Step Frequency;RBW), : "FFT"
. . fftsize(FFT Size, , ), : "2048"
. . fftbinsize(FFT Bins, , ), : "2048"
. . fftstepfreq(FFT Step Frequency, Frequency, ), : "100000"
. . fftrbwfreq(FFT RBW Frequency, Frequency, ), : "100000"
. . fftwindow(FFT Window, , Hamming;Hann;Uniform;Blackman;Blackman Harris;Blackman Harris 7;Flat Top;Lanczos;Gaussion 0.5;Gaussion 0.4;Gaussian 0.3;Gaussion 0.2;Gaussian 0.1;Kaiser 6;Kaiser 12;Kaiser 18;Kaiser 36;Kaiser 72;Tukey 0.1;Tukey 0.3;Tukey 0.5;Tukey 0.7;Tukey 0.9), : "Hamming"
. fft1(Spectra 2, , ), : ""
. . fftmergemode(FFT Merge Mode, , avg;sum;min;max), : "avg"
. . fftaggregate(FFT Aggregate, , ), : "1"
. . fftsizemode(FFT Size Mode, , FFT;Bins;Step Frequency;RBW), : "FFT"
. . fftsize(FFT Size, , ), : "2048"
. . fftbinsize(FFT Bins, , ), : "2048"
. . fftstepfreq(FFT Step Frequency, Frequency, ), : "100000"
. . fftrbwfreq(FFT RBW Frequency, Frequency, ), : "100000"
. . fftwindow(FFT Window, , Hamming;Hann;Uniform;Blackman;Blackman Harris;Blackman Harris 7;Flat Top;Lanczos;Gaussion 0.5;Gaussion 0.4;Gaussian 0.3;Gaussion 0.2;Gaussian 0.1;Kaiser 6;Kaiser 12;Kaiser 18;Kaiser 36;Kaiser 72;Tukey 0.1;Tukey 0.3;Tukey 0.5;Tukey 0.7;Tukey 0.9), : "Hamming"
. receiverclock(Receiver Clock, , 92MHz;122MHz;184MHz;245MHz), : "92MHz"
. receiverchannel(Receiver Channels, , Rx1;Rx2;Rx1+Rx2;Rx1/Rx2;Rx Off;auto), : "auto"
. receiverchannelsel(Receiver Select, , Rx1;Rx2;Rx2->1;Rx1->2), : "Rx1"
. transmittermode(Transmitter Mode, , Off;Test;Stream;Reactive;Signal Generator;Pattern Generator), : "Off"
. generator(Signal Generator, , ), : ""
. . type(Generator Type, , Relative Tone;Absolute Tone;Step;Sweep;Full Sweep;Center Sweep;Polytone;Relative Ditone;Absolute Ditone;Noise;Digital Noise;Off), : "Relative Tone"
. . startfreq(Start Frequency, Frequency, ), : "2.4e+09"
. . stopfreq(Stop Frequency, Frequency, ), : "2.42e+09"
. . stepfreq(Step Frequency, Frequency, ), : "1e+06"
. . offsetfreq(Offset Frequency, Frequency, ), : "1e+06"
. . duration(Duration, Time, ), : "10"
. . powerramp(Power Ramp, dB, ), : "0"
. gpsmode(GPS Mode, , Disabled;Location;Time;Location and Time), : "Disabled"
. tempfancontrol(Temperature Fan Control, , ), : "false"
. serial(Serial Number, , ), : ""
calibration(Calibration, , ), : ""
. rffilter(RX Filter, , Calibration;Bypass;Auto;Auto Extended;75-145 (50);90-160 (50);110-195 (50);135-205 (50);155-270 (50);155-270 (100);155-280 (100);180-350 (100);230-460 (100);240-545;340-650;440-815;610-1055;850-1370;1162-2060;1850-3010;2800-4610;4400-6100), : "Auto"
. preamp(RF Amplifier, , Disabled;Auto;None;Amp;Preamp;Both), : "Disabled"
. rftxfilter(TX Filter, , Calibration;Bypass;Auto;Auto Extended;75-145 (50);90-160 (50);110-195 (50);135-205 (50);155-270 (50);155-270 (100);155-280 (100);180-350 (100);230-460 (100);240-545;340-650;440-815;610-1055;850-1370;1162-2060;1850-3010;2800-4610;4400-6100), : "Auto"
. calibrationmode(Mode, , Off;RX Attenuator;TX Attenuator;Tx No Amplifier;Tx Amplifier;Rx Thermal;Tx Thermal;Rx RTBW;Tx RTBW;Rx Filter;Rx Amplifier;Tx LO Leakage;Clock;Raw;Free), : "Off"
. txioffset(Tx I-Offset, Number, ), : "0"
. txqoffset(Tx Q-Offset, Number, ), : "0"
. txexcent(Tx IQ-Excentricity, Percentage, ), : "0"
. txphaseskew(Tx IQ-Phase Skew, Degree, ), : "0"
. calibrationreload(Reload, , ), : "0"