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how to apply filter on reciever side

Can we add a filter before we obtain the IQ signal in this code

#include <aaroniartsaapi.h>

#include <chrono>

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <thread>

// Receive IQ samples and display on console

void streamIQ(AARTSAAPI_Device d)


    // Prepare a line buffer

    wchar_t buff[102];

    for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)

        buff[i] = ' ';

    buff[101] = 0;

    // Receive up to 10 packets

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


        // Prepare data packet

        AARTSAAPI_Packet packet = { sizeof(AARTSAAPI_Packet) };

        AARTSAAPI_Result res;

        // Get the next data packet, sleep for some milliseconds, if none

        // available yet.

        while ((res = AARTSAAPI_GetPacket(&d, 0, 0, &packet)) == AARTSAAPI_EMPTY)


        // If we actually got a packet

        if (res == AARTSAAPI_OK)


            for (int j = 0; j < packet.num; j++)


                // Prepare grid lines

                buff[0] = '|';

                buff[50] = '|';

                buff[25] = '.';

                buff[75] = '.';

                buff[100] = '|';

                // Use 1mV for full size

                int ki = int(packet.fp32[2 * j + 0] * 50 * 1000), kq = int(packet.fp32[2 * j + 1] * 50 * 1000);

                if (ki >= -50 && ki <= 50)

                    buff[ki + 50] = 'I';

                if (kq >= -50 && kq <= 50)

                    buff[kq + 50] = 'Q';

                std::wcout << buff << std::endl;

                if (ki >= -50 && ki <= 50)

                    buff[ki + 50] = ' ';

                if (kq >= -50 && kq <= 50)

                    buff[kq + 50] = ' ';


            // Remove the first packet from the packet queue

            AARTSAAPI_ConsumePackets(&d, 0, 1);




int main()


    AARTSAAPI_Result res;

    // Initialize library for medium memory usage



        // Open a library handle for use by this application

        AARTSAAPI_Handle h;

        if ((res = AARTSAAPI_Open(&h)) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


            // Rescan all devices controlled by the aaronia library and update

            // the firmware if required.

            if ((res = AARTSAAPI_RescanDevices(&h, 2000)) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                // Get the serial number of the first V6 in the system

                AARTSAAPI_DeviceInfo dinfo = { sizeof(AARTSAAPI_DeviceInfo) };

                if ((res = AARTSAAPI_EnumDevice(&h, L"spectranv6", 0, &dinfo)) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                    // Try to open the first V6 in the system

                    AARTSAAPI_Device d;

                    if ((res = AARTSAAPI_OpenDevice(&h, &d, L"spectranv6/iqreceiver", dinfo.serialNumber)) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                        // Begin configuration, get root of configuration tree

                        AARTSAAPI_Config config, root;

                        if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigRoot(&d, &root) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                            // Select the first receiver channel

                            if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&d, &root, &config, L"device/receiverchannel") == AARTSAAPI_OK)

                                AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&d, &config, L"Rx1");

                            // Use slow receiver clock

                            if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&d, &root, &config, L"device/receiverclock") == AARTSAAPI_OK)

                                AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&d, &config, L"92MHz");

                            // Set the receiver center frequency

                            if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&d, &root, &config, L"main/centerfreq") == AARTSAAPI_OK)

                                AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&d, &config, 2440.0e6);

                            // Set required span frequency to 64kHz

                            if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&d, &root, &config, L"main/spanfreq") == AARTSAAPI_OK)

                                AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&d, &config, 64.0e3);

                            // Set the reference level of the receiver

                            if (AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&d, &root, &config, L"main/reflevel") == AARTSAAPI_OK)

                                AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&d, &config, -20.0);

                            // Connect to the physical device

                            if ((res = AARTSAAPI_ConnectDevice(&d)) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                                // Start the receiver

                                if (AARTSAAPI_StartDevice(&d) == AARTSAAPI_OK)


                                    // Receive some IQ samples


                                    // Stop the receiver



                                // Release the hardware




                                std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_ConnectDevice failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;


                        // Close the device handle

                        AARTSAAPI_CloseDevice(&h, &d);



                        std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_OpenDevice failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;



                    std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_EnumDevice failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;



                std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_RescanDevices failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;

            // Close the library handle




            std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_Open failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;

        // Shutdown library, release resources




        std::wcerr << "AARTSAAPI_Init failed : " << std::hex << res << std::endl;

    return 0;



The valid values are:

For calib["rffilter"]: "Bypass", "Auto", "Auto Extended", "75-145 (50)", "90-160 (50)", "110-195 (50)", "135-205 (50)", "155-270 (50)", "155-270 (100)", "155-280 (100)", "180-350 (100)", "230-460 (100)", "240-545", "340-650", "440-815", "610-1055", "850-1370", "1162-2060", "1850-3010", "2800-4610", "4400-6100"

For calib["preamp"]: "Disabled", "Auto", "None", "Amp", "Preamp", "Both"