HiSLIP-SCPI Server block

Quote from DevSF on 03/03/2022, 12:54For all old-school measurement girls and boys wanna control the RTSA Suite PRO via SCPI commands, here comes the new HiSLIP-SCPI Server block.
The HiSLIP protocol if enabled, is supported by the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA).
Therefore, many third-party software, hardware and programming tools should support the RTSA Suite Pro out of the box. Here are some examples, but there are many more:
- NI-VISA, Labview, C++ library…etc: Does NI-VISA Supports HiSLIP Protocol?
- Matlab: Get Started with TCP/IP Interface for VXI-11 and HiSLIP
You can control all configruation items of the RTSA Suite Blocks used in a predefined RTSA Suite Mission. Here for example a command set to configure the center frequency of the IQ Signal Generator block and get 100 IQ data packets:
iqsignalgenerator_0:main:centerfreq 20000000;*wait\n
stream:count 100; stream:start\n
For all old-school measurement girls and boys wanna control the RTSA Suite PRO via SCPI commands, here comes the new HiSLIP-SCPI Server block.
The HiSLIP protocol if enabled, is supported by the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA).
Therefore, many third-party software, hardware and programming tools should support the RTSA Suite Pro out of the box. Here are some examples, but there are many more:
- NI-VISA, Labview, C++ library…etc: Does NI-VISA Supports HiSLIP Protocol?
- Matlab: Get Started with TCP/IP Interface for VXI-11 and HiSLIP
You can control all configruation items of the RTSA Suite Blocks used in a predefined RTSA Suite Mission. Here for example a command set to configure the center frequency of the IQ Signal Generator block and get 100 IQ data packets:
iqsignalgenerator_0:main:centerfreq 20000000;*wait\n
stream:count 100; stream:start\n

Quote from mm_dev on 03/05/2022, 16:59https://aaronia-shop.com/products/options-licenses/hislip-scpi-server

Quote from qureshi000 on 02/04/2024, 10:12Kindly provide commands manual to control Spectran V6. The manual I got only contains commands regarding IQ Signal Generator.
Kindly provide commands manual to control Spectran V6. The manual I got only contains commands regarding IQ Signal Generator.
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