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get the Longitude and latitude by SDK

Could you give me an example to get the Longitude and latitude by SDK?My V6 device have the option of GPS.

Please see the ConfigTree.cpp in the SDK/Samples/ConfigTree. Using the health values (using AARTSAAPI_ConfigHealth() instead of AARTSAAPI_ConfigRoot()) you'll get:

:. gpsposvalid(GPS Position Valid, , ), : "true"
:. gpstimevalid(GPS Time Valid, , ), : "true"
:. gpssats(GPS Satellites, , ), : "n"
:. gpslatitude(GPS Latitude, GeoCoord, ), : "xxx"
:. gpslongitude(GPS Longitude, GeoCoord, ), : "yyy"
:. gpselevation(GPS Elevation, Meter, ), : "zzz"
:. gpstime(GPS Time, DateTime, ), : "ttt"
:. gpstimeoffset(GPS Time Offset, Time, ), : "ttt"

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