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File Reader: Reading Split rtsa files


I have a recording (in rtsa format) using the file writer block with the auto split file option selected (split by 5 sec intervals). e,g files saved continously as test_00000.rtsa, test_00001,rtsa, test_00002.rtsa ... etc., starting with index 0.

I wanted to play back this series of files continuously using File Reader, but the File Reader block will only ever play back test_00000.rtsa without going on to test_00001.rtsa.

Is this even possible with the File Reader block? I noticed that the File Index option in the File Reader block are greyed out.

I'm using the RTSA_suite PRO v2.2 build 11785.


The "File Index" option refers to single  files containing multiple disconnected streams (e.g. when stopping and restarting a V6 without stopping the connected File Writer), only when loading such a file the option becomes available (name is admittedly misleading).

For your use case there is a separate File Set Reader block in the works, but that is not yet available for public use.

You can use the Control Sequencer block to trigger playback of multiple File Reader (or File Source) blocks in sequence and merge their output streams using the Spectrum Stitcher block (only for Spectra data though), but there will be some delay between stopping one reader and starting the next.

The new File Set Reader block will do exactly what you need.

lming has reacted to this post.

Thanks for the response.

Is there any confirmed time line on when this File Set Reader will be available?

Will this File Set Reader be able to support streaming to V6 for transmit?


The block is ready and supports Rx and Tx.

Hello, how can I get the block, I couldn't find it in the menu, do you have more information? Thank you.

It will be available within the next build.

jakov has reacted to this post.

You should already be able to see the File Set Reader block in the current version, but locked with a "Buy" flag.

We've just updated our "Aaronia Free Included Keys" package to version to unlock that block for free. The RTSA should notify you about that update once it is publicly available.

Hello, is the update available yet? Thank

As mentioned please wait till the update is available.