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Duplex V6 | Send Rx IQ to Tx

Is it possible to "repeat" the incoming RX signal to the TX port? At the same time we would like to record 100 MHz streaming IQ on a PC.

This mission should do the job (if your PC and SSD offers enough data throughput):

Duplex Real-Time RF


Since the idea is quite interesting we will soon implement a "real time" loop feature.

Stay tuned...


We just integrated a Stream Portal block which is the perfect tool for this case:

Stream Portal Block


For more details please have a look at

Can I achieve this with a SINGLE V6?
I would like to build:
[RF1 >>IQStream1_OP] >> {file_writer} >> {Stream portal} >> [IQStream1_IP>>TX]
where [...] represents the same V6

Again, the mission is only to record an incoming RF signal (RF1) and also to transmit it using the TX port at the same time, at a same or different TX frequency.

What is the price of Stream Portal block?
Quote from AdminTC on 11/08/2021, 10:39

We just integrated a Stream Portal block which is the perfect tool for this case:

Stream Portal Block 

For more details please have a look at


Check the posted mission. This works with a single SPECTRAN V6.

You can order the block at any time or in our online shop next week.

Cost would be 998,-- Euros

Quote from AdminTC on 06/09/2021, 17:12

Check the posted mission. This works with a single SPECTRAN V6.

You can order the block it at any time or in our online shop next week. Cost would be 998,-- Euros

Thanks. I understand that for a 100 MHz RTBW real signal I will need the 245 MHz V6?

For 100MHz IQ the 120MHz key works fine, no need for the 245MHz extension