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Different RTBWs (Real-Time Bandwidths) | Example Screenshots

The V6 series offers 4 main IQ rates and the following default RTBWs (depending on V6 type and installed options):

  • 92,16MHz IQ rate = 77,04MHz RTBW (RSA250X and RSA500X default RTBW)
  • 122,88MHz IQ rate = 107,72MHz RTBW (Option)
  • 184,32MHz IQ rate = 154,08MHz RTBW (RSA2000X default RTBW)
  • 245,76MHz IQ rate = 205,44MHz RTBW (Option)

The default RTBW is around 20% less than the IQ rate to offer a flat noise floor and stable dynamic over the full RTBW. You can expand it to the full IQ span by using the "Full Spectrum" checkbox within the V6 block.

You might also want to check this forum posting:

Attached are some example screenshots showing the 2,4GHz Wifi frequency band with different RTBWs (simply an open SMA connector so no calibrates signal).

92MHz Real-Time IQ Bandwidth

122MHz Real-Time IQ Bandwidth

184MHz Real-Time IQ Bandwidth

245MHz Real-Time IQ Bandwidth


Uploaded files:
  • 92MHz-IQ.jpg
  • 122MHz-IQ.jpg
  • 184MHz-IQ.jpg
  • 245MHz-IQ.jpg