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Category Timeline

The Category Timeline block offers a powerfull multi channel timeline graph:

Category Timeline Block

Left hand side Input:

  • Categories (Docks to Channel Power block)


This is a "must have" to monitor channels e.g. Bluetooth LE. The channel utilization can be monitored over a long time periode since you have full control over the time compression (Up to 100k). In addition the Category Timeline block offers multiple compression modes (Max, Average, Power, First, Min), a fully adjustable power scale for all channels and you can zoom within the graph at any time:

Category Timeline Block Setup

Attached 5k sample screenshots show the Bluetooth LE channels over a time period of 2 minutes. You get a clear picture over the channel utilization of every single channel:

Blutooth LE Channel Monitoring via Timeline Graph

Bluetooth Channel Monitoring over Time

A typical Category Timeline mission:

Category Timeline Mission