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245 MHz Bandwidth per Receiver Channel Limitation (only ~204 MHz) | How to operate two Rx at the same time?

We have the Spectran v6 with the upgraded 245 MHz bandwidth per channel, but we are having issues in achieving the 245 MHz bandwidth measurement per channel. We are measuring closer to 204 MHz and we are receiving the following errors per channel:

USB underflows

  1. Insufficient USB transfer rate
  2. Reduce sampling clock clock
  3. Use higher accumulation count for spectra
  4. Use single input channel

Unfortunately, we need both channels, so we cannot reduce down to one input channel. We are using USB 3.0 Superspeed for both the Data and Boost ports. We have also tried several high-performance computers/laptops with the system.

In simplest form, we have the Spectran v^ block with Spectra 1 output connected to a File Writer and Spectra 2 output connected to a seperate File Writer. We have also tried it with the Spectrogram block and still the same issue.

How would we achieve the 245 MHz bandwidth per channel? How can youreduce sampling clock and change accumulation count for spectra? Will this solve the issue, or will there still be a limitation

Thank you in advance!

Uploaded files:
  • Error-Message.PNG
  • Block-Diagram.PNG

To activate the 245MHz IQ rate you need to activate the SPECTRAN V6 -> Main -> "Full Spectrum" checkbox:

Activate 245MHz IQ Rate


You then get the full 245,76MHz bandwidth.


If you use both Rx at the same time with full 245MHz the streams simply generate a too high data amount thats why you get the warning sign.

You can reduce the data to a usefull level by using the Spectra outputs only and by setting the "FFT Merge Length" to 2 or higher:

Two Rx running at 245MHz RTBW each

This was just the answer I was looking for! Really appreciate your help and speedy response. Thank you again for your detailed explanation and help.

Best Regards

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